The purpose of this column is to create a better understanding of homosexual problems through the psychiatric viewpoint.


Dear Reader:

Everyday for years ONE has received letters from individuals who were tormented and who made a plea for help. In the January, 1959, issue of ONE Magazine this column was commenced to answer such questions from the psychiatric point of view. My approach was and always has been positive. I insist that homosexuals are people too. In my opening column I said "Attempts to describe a 'typical' homosexual are laughable. There is but one common bondthey prefer their own sex as a love object, a matter of personal taste." Thus I have always regarded homosexuality as a way of life and not a disease in any sense. My stress has always been on self-acceptance-learning to appreciate who and what you are and how to release your own unique creativity in a discriminating and wholesome fashion. There are thousands of well-adjusted homosexuals leading busy, useful lives. With continued encouragement there can be many more doing the same.

From January 1959 to June 1960 Toward Understanding continued to serve this need for thousands of readers of ONE Magazine, but serious illness forced me to discontinue the effort. There can be no plans for an immediate resumption of this column but at this Season I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all the very best, and express my desire to be back working with you in the near future.


Merry Christmas,

Blanche M. Baker